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What Keywords Are? 9 facts about them.

If you have ever read something about SEO, you have read for sure several times the word "keywords". If you have never read and you don't even know what SEO is, I will let you understand what these strange words mean.

SEO is a technique that allows users to find easily your website or your social network profile on the Web. In general and very simply, you can do SEO by writing keywords where is needed. "Ok and so all I have to do is writing keywords but whattheegg keywords are?" Keywords are words which users use to find something on the Web. An example: if I am looking for a pair of purple Puma shoes, I will search on Google "purple puma shoes" or even "purple shoes for woman". These 10 things about keywords will let you understand better what they are: 1. Google shows the most searched keywords at the bottom of search results pages; 2. Google trends allows you to find most searched keywords based on a word that you are interested in; 3. A lot of website platforms (like allow you to do SEO; you should only follow their steps; 4. Keywords allow users to reach you through Google Images! 5. Keywords can be also long sentences; 6. Keywords can be just one word but also a sentence such as "socks used by Rihanna". 7. Better you will use them (you only have to hide them perfectly!), easily you will be reached; 8. Most of times, keywords are names of the items of a shop!

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